They then walk in darkness for the first time, only following their lantern light and without the proximity of adults, who will be watching from a distance. We will meet up at 101 Social and walk down Northdown Road to Dane Park, singing traditional Martinmas tunes (see link) and holding our lanterns.
Adults will stop at the entrance of the park and let the children briefly explore it in darkness only following the light of their lanterns. We will then all head back to and regroup at 101 for tea, cake and hot chocolate and mulled wine for adults.
“In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni”
—Palindromic Latin riddle
“We go wandering at night and are consumed by fire”
#martinmas #familyfun #rudolfsteiner #waldorfeducation #cliftonville #community
They then walk in darkness for the first time, only following their lantern light and without the proximity of adults, who will be watching from a distance. We will meet up at 101 Social and walk down Northdown Road to Dane Park, singing traditional Martinmas tunes (see link) and holding our lanterns.
Adults will stop at the entrance of the park and let the children briefly explore it in darkness only following the light of their lanterns. We will then all head back to and regroup at 101 for tea, cake and hot chocolate and mulled wine for adults.
“In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni”
—Palindromic Latin riddle
“We go wandering at night and are consumed by fire”
#martinmas #familyfun #rudolfsteiner #waldorfeducation #cliftonville #community