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Other Echoes #26

101 Social 101 Northdown Road, Cliftonville - Margate, Kent, United Kingdom

Klôvhôvve- Fragments of sounds, some known, some unknown (Sweden) + Soborgnost- Sci-fi vaporwave dub punk (UK)


Wednesday Meditation

101 Social 101 Northdown Road, Cliftonville - Margate, Kent, United Kingdom

An easy to follow, heart-centred, 5-step meditation technique allowing you to drop out of the busy mind and connect to the body, grounding and opening to the here-and-now through breath, movement and music. A regular meditation practice has been proven to be successful in the treatment against anxiety and depression. Doors open at 5.30pm, session [...]

Pay what you want

Food Bank

101 Social 101 Northdown Road, Cliftonville - Margate, Kent, United Kingdom

We're partnering with out friends at MiCommunity to set up a food bank in front of 101! Come by at any time for completely free and delicious food to take home with you! Happy Christmas